
[Voices from Students in Japan] Ms. Rasolonaivo Andriamanasina Rojoniaina | Osaka University

Ms. Rasolonaivo Andriamanasina Rojoniaina



PhD student

Graduate School of Human Sciences International Collaboration and Development Studies 

Osaka University

International Collaboration and Development Studies aims to understand the local reality of development issues in developing countries through field-based interdisciplinary research that includes education, global health, water, sanitation and hygiene. My research focuses on Citizenship Education (CE) in Madagascar in a context where the reinforcement of CE is thought to contribute to solving considerable socio-cultural problems in the Malagasy society. I am studying the perceptions and practices of CE both from the local and the global perspective.


I chose to study in Japan because I had the opportunity to follow a Teacher Training Program sponsored by the Japanese government in 2012. I was impressed by the education of Japanese people and the quality of higher education, and I have always wanted to come back and continue my studies here. I am planning to work as a researcher and bring my contribution to Malagasy universities.


Experiencing studying in Japan has changed my perceptions on how to view the world in several ways. It showed me that traditions and modernity can co-exist and harmonious society is simply based on mutual respect and integrity. These are just few examples but I warmly invite you to come and discover Japan and its beautiful culture. Follow your passion and dare to dream, but don't leave it to the dream stage, work towards it because if you do, opportunities are there to be seized.