I studied at Toyo University (Tokyo), Master of Regional Development Studies.
My research thesis was on “Social Housing in South Africa: Assessing Walmer Link and Fairview Link housing projects in meeting the objectives of the Social Housing Act of 2008”.
I chose to study in Japan because I was interested in area of Education and training, Local Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and wanted to learn from their experience supporting current Japan.
After graduation, I came back to my home country and now I am working as Consultant/ Pretoria Office Manager for IC Net Limited, a Japanese consulting firm in international development area.
Message for Prospective Students - Take a leap of faith and go LIVE, LEARN and LOVE in one of the greatest countries in the world. Japan provides a conducive environment for prospective students to study in the top universities in the country. Apart from the academic life, prospective students will be provided an opportunity to experience Japanese food, business and social culture. Go and explore and enjoy your stay in the “LAND OF THE RISING SUN”.