
[Voice from Students in Japan] Ms. Julieth Nkemdilim Ezenwa Abba | Seigan Japanese Language School

Ms. Julieth Nkemdilim Ezenwa Abba


Seigan Japanese Language School

I'm currently studying Japanese language at Seigan Japanese Language School in Osaka.


This language school has a comfortable and friendly atmosphere and students from different countries. The knowledge gained here will enable me to read and write Japanese language, to know Japanese culture and to broaden my understanding on the ways in which Japanese people live, which has fascinated me a lot. 


I studied agriculture in my post graduate studies at the University of Nigeria Nsukka and found that Japan is one of the leading technologically advanced countries in the world.  I choose to further my studies in Japan to gain knowledge on modern farming. 


Agriculture is fundamental to the existence of mankind and central to the economic and political stability of nations, regions and the world at large. Modern farming has been economically efficient and requires less manpower but more technology. With this, farm income has been raised, food supply and prices have increased and decreased respectively, and greater employment opportunities have been provided in both rural and urban areas. 


I intend to study a Masters in Agricultural Science for the global future of life, food and the environment at the Kyoto University Japan. 


I highly recommend Japanese University to African youths desiring to study abroad, to be part of these great opportunities and to attain their aspirations.